Sam Kris

Guitar Improvisionist / Cinematic Interactor / Word Composer


Written thoughts in English or in Finnish about films, music, life, emotions, interaction, expression etc. Natively I write in Finnish. That’s why my writings in English are full of grammar mistakes. Sorry.

Kirjeitä ohjaajille

Sarja kirjeitä elokuvaohjaajille. En lähetä kirjeitä kenellekään, vaan ne jäävät tänne.

(This is a series of letters, that I write to film directors. However, I don’t send these letters to anyone. They are published here. The letters are only in Finnish at the moment.)

Apichatpong Weerasethakul – Memoria

Ingmar Bergman – Persona (Kirje 1)

Ingmar Bergman – Persona (Kirje 2)

Elokuvan valo

Ajatuksia elokuvista ja elokuvakerronnasta.

(Thoughts about films and cinematic narration. Only in Finnish.)

Pako rajauksesta (Ingmar Bergman: Talven valoa)

Paljastava valo, kätkevä varjo


This is a collection of my declarations concerning important things in art, in life. The declarations could be personal, interpersonal or universal. Also, the declarations could be all of that at the same time.

Declaration of Creation

Declaration of Confusion

Declaration of Imperfection

Declaration of a Need

Short Observations and Compositions with Words

Short observations and viewpoints. Occasionally, these writings could become “compositions with words”.

Lyhyitä havaintoja ja näkökulmia. Ajoittain nämä kirjoitukset saattavat saada “sanasävellyksen” muodon.

Puheen jatkaminen (Finnish)

Aikamoiset taiteet (Finnish)

A Moral Philosophy of Freedom (English)

Ydin tarvitsee valoa (Finnish) (“The Core Needs Light”)

We Need More Art-Fighters (English)

Inspired by Hesse (English)

Inspired by Dostoyevsky (English)

Delusion of Powerlessness  (English) (“Voimattomuusharha”)

Tottumiskysymys (Finnish)

Aging Enjoyment / Onnellinen ikääntyminen (English & Finnish)

Amateur or Professional? (English)

Notes on Collective Anxiety (English)

Alman dialogit (Finnish) (“Alma’s Dialogue Scenes”)

Avoid Bad Psychiatrist (English)

About Uniqueness (English)

About Happiness (English)

About the Cat (English)

Inspired by Jung (English)

An Exercise for Emotion (English)

Bad Framing (English)

Are Artists Daydreamers? (English)

Notes on Producing and Making Films (English)

Notes on Categorization (English)

Naming an Image (English)

The Essence of Modes

Thoughts about scales. Occasionally going beyond them by deviating from the norm.

Natural Minor – The Standard Melancholy

My Long and Passionate Love Affair with Phrygian Mode

Dorian Scale – Opening the Minor

Mixolydian – The Best Major

Lydian Heights

Going up from Lydian

Sävelarvoteoria (Theory for Dignity of Notes)
