March 12, 2024
Would you like to be a professional artist in order to create expressive and meaningful art?
Ethymology of the words “professional” and “amateur” reveals the truth behind professionalism. A “professional” professes or declares, that one has special skills. That’s why a “professional” can ask for money for doing something.
However, in the fields of art using only “professional skills” creates restrictions and rules. Creating expressions of humanity often needs the freedom of breaking the boundaries of established “professional” formulas. That’s why only meaningful declaration for an artist is a promise to break the rules, if it’s needed for love, creation and human dignity to rule. Without breaking the rules and escaping from restrictions any progress and creation is impossible. Creation of something new requires breaking the categorizations and constraints of professionalism.
Ethymologically “amateur” means lover. An amateur artist makes art only because that person loves to create. There are no professional restrictions for a loving artist. A lover has freedom of creation. Freedom of expression demands rebellion against the spectacle and false presentation. Rebellion is needed for fighting for the expression of truth.
As an artist, I refuse to be a professional. I prefer to be a lover.
Love is a rebellious emotion.
Loving is rebellious activity for some professional people.
Lovers of truth are rebels.
This is a declaration of freedom.
This is a declaration of love.
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