Sam Kris

Guitar Improvisionist / Cinematic Interactor / Word Composer

Street Photography 1987-89

Black and white street photography from years 1987-89. There are photos taken in Helsinki, Stockholm, Tallinn and Paris. One picture was taken on a train station somewhere in Europe.

Shot on 35mm film. Developed the film and printed on paper by myself. Scanned from old prints recently.

That dog walking in the corridor in Stockholm (8th picture in the gallery) was photoshopped later to the image from another picture. The sleeping parisian dog is real and everything else in those pictures is authentic. Even that knife in the arm of the fakir!

In 2009 I made a series of pastel paintings. I was inspired to reproduce with pastels one of my old photographs. The original photo was shot in Stockholm. Here is my interpretation of that photo as a pastel painting.


This is the original photo.

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