Someone. Somewhere. Someday.
I originally published this series of photos on Instagram in the spring 2022. The date of each picture refers to the publishing day. The description of each picture was also published on that day. Nothing is changed here. You can check out the photos on my Instagram profile also (link on Contact -page).
Camera: iPhone
January 5th, 2022
Someone. Somewhere. Someday.
January 17th, 2022
The weather is so bad, that I can’t see, if
there is someone, somewhere, someday.
January 18th, 2022
Sun. Somewhere. Someday.
January 19th, 2022
Lonesome. You know where. You know day.
January 21st, 2022
The image is so dark, that I can’t see, if there
is someone, somewhere, someday. (A note
to myself: Try to be a better photographer!)
January 23rd, 2022
Some more light. But no sun in sight.
Anyway, this is called Sunday. I wonder
January 26th, 2022
Wow! How? Now, I’m trying to think, why
some days are pink.
January 29th, 2022
Yeah, I can see someone etc… Boring.
Instead, making a list of my artistic-philosophical
principles:1. Realism: Some.
2. Symbolism: None.
3. Egoism: Only one, but it’s a big one.
February 3rd, 2022
Fog. I like fog. It makes pictures look soft
and beautiful. However, there’s something
even better, that fog can do. When fog goes
away, you can see more clearly, if there is
someone, somewhere, someday. Of course
you can see more clearly everything else
February 18th, 2022
Lights! Camera! Action!Someone is thinking about categorization in
film art. If someone makes a film and gives
the film a label “experimental”, the film is
somewhere in the margin, and it will have
only little audience. However, if someone
labels exactly the same film as “drama”, the
film is in the mainstream and it will be
viewed and treated as a mainstream film.
Labeled as “drama”, the same film, with the
same experimental narration, could be a
huge success and it could even be praised as a masterpiece. On the contrary,
“experimental” film stays in the margin.
Forever. Well, at least for a very long time.That’s the power of categorization. That’s
the power of experimental narration.(A note to myself: Try to put there some
more “something” next time!)
February 19th, 2022
Hejsan allihopa! Någon. Någonstans. Någon
gång. Jag tror, att det fungerar också på
February 23rd, 2022
Someone wants to give a music
recommendation. Listen to Soundgarden,
the song “Mailman”. Chris Cornell’s voice is
awesome. Listen to the last 25 seconds of
the song. His singing is so expressive,
sincere and beautiful, that I want to cry.
Picture taken on February 16th, published on May 27th, 2022.
The dawn is green.
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